Wednesday, October 22, 2008

screamy baby. sleepy baby.

Wren had a rough night last night. She woke up around 11 screaming at the top of her lungs. This is completely unlike her. This is the baby who has slept through the night from night one and only wakes up to nurse. The loudest she gets at night is a little lip smacking when she is hungry. Or smacking of my boob if I am not being quick enough getting it out. We tried rocking her and pacing with her and singing to her, but she would not calm down. Just kept shrieking. I called my mom, who said to call the doctor. We called the nurse line and they said that you have to wait until a baby screams or cries nonstop for an hour and a half or more...which seems like a really long time to me! The nurse, who could hear Wren over the phone, said it sounded as though she was in pain. She thought it could be gas pain or teething. We gave her baby mylicon (gas relief) and teething gel, just to cover our bases. Something must have helped, because within 10 minutes she had calmed down, and within half an hour was back to sleep. Today she has been pretty cranky and sleepy, and I just got her down for a nap. I promptly took a picture, to document, and of course because I think she is so dang cute!
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